Indian Products seems to have a lot of contamination. We often hear news of contamination or the banning of one or another product in India. As per the recent details, around 400 Indian food products have heavy metals and pesticides in them. This means that many companies are not showing proper ingredients and using harmful ingredients. We will share details about the cocktails and pesticides found in these 400 products below.

Are Indian Products All Contaminated? Around 400 Indian products Have Pesticides, and Heavy Metals report Says

Around 400 Indian Products Have Pesticides, and Heavy Metals Report Says

Recent research shows that Indian Food has a lot of contamination. Around 400 Indian products have pesticides, heavy metals, and cocktails as per a recent report. The list is public and also mentions the food category and the harmful ingredients in it. Among all those products, around 99% of the products are from India. They have different harmful ingredients like pesticides residual, Aflatoxin B1, Nitrofurans, bacterium Salmonella Spp, aflatoxin, MRL, Furazolidon, soya lecithin, unauthorized colors, salmonella, Ethylene, and many more.

The consumption of these things in our food can severely damage our body’s functionality. The foods having this contamination include red seedless grapes, cardamon, meat masala, peanuts, Basmati Rice, rice, groundnut kernels, frozen papaya dice, frozen octopus, Ground Chilly, Turmeric, Ashwagandha powder, Shrimps, peanuts for bird feed, dried peppers, cereal bars, sesame seeds, bread, crushed chilies, and many more.

Different countries reported these issues. The countries like Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Greece, and others have reported the issues. There is an urgency to take a step now. The thing to keep in mind is that even after having the same brands in our country and other countries, why the quality differs. As we know countries like America have strict rules and regulations.

However, India does not have any strict regulations. FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India) is responsible for the safety of the food. Recently, Singapore banned some masala powders. Apart from that, Patanjali also leads to misleading ads which is also another big reason for the circulation of such products.

India’s packaged and frozen foods are at high risk of causing health issues to consumers. Ads are very misleading today. There is no legal body for publishing the right ads yet. As per the reports by WHO, baby products in India have 170 times more sugar than products of the same company sold in Europe. As per a press release, there are only 726 labs from which only 207 labs are authorized and following government regulations. Stay tuned for more information on our website.

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