Credit Suisse to Collapse predicts Robert Kiyosaki! Will the $54 Billion credit help gain Credit Suisse confidence or Robert gain a stronger front on its prediction. American entrepreneur and author Robert Kiyosaki predicted that Swiss investment giant Credit Suisse would be the next bank to fail in the wake of the failures of Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB). The largest American bank failure since Lehman Brothers’ collapse in 2008 is the SVB crisis. This is the statement shared by the author after the massive fall in the share price of Credit Suisse Bank “My prediction, I called Lehman Brothers years ago, and I think the next bank to go to is Credit Suisse,” Rich Dad Company co-founder and author Robert Kiyosaki. Read More Business News on our website.

Credit Suisse Bank Crash

Robert Kiyosaki Prediction over Credit Suisse Bank after Massive Downfall in Share Prices

Further, he adds, “The problem is the bond market.

In September 2008, Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest investment bank in the United States, went bankrupt. Lehman’s bankruptcy was said to be the largest ever, surpassing Worldcom’s and Enron’s, with debts totaling $613 billion and assets totaling $639 billion and 25,000 employees worldwide.

Credit Suisse announced it would borrow up to $54 billion from the Swiss Central Bank to improve liquidity and investor confidence after falling stock prices fueled fears of a global financial crisis. Credit Suisse is the biggest European bank with a huge reputation in the market.

This week, investors discounted assurances from US President Joe Biden and emergency steps giving banks access to more funding after Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse last week and Signature Bank’s collapse two days later. Silicon Valley Bank, based in California (SVB is the sixteenth largest bank in the United States).

According to the Swiss National Bank and FINMA, there are no indications that the turmoil in the US banking market poses a direct risk of spreading to Swiss institutions. The clock is ticking and the answer lies in the sphere of time whether Credit Suisse will be able to gain confidence and prove its assumptions or Robert Kiyosaki’s predictions gain a stronger front on the globe. There we have a lot of other interesting news on our website which you can read. You can bookmark the website in your browser, so you can get the latest business news in one click. The available information is helpful to you if you were looking for complete detail about the topic.

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