Arvind Kejriwal is in jail after Thursday night and found guilty under a liquor policy case. He is the Chief Minister of New Delhi. However, it’s been the first time that a CM gets arrested during his active years. Thus, many are raising concerns about increasing dictatorship in India. As we all know, Arvind Kejriwal and his other four main leaders were under custody. Thus, receiving a notice after 16 March when elections are so close points out to some other political games as well.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi Raises Question Upon CM Arvind’s Arrest
Arvind Kejriwal’s Lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi is raising questions about the unfair demand for a 10-day remand by ED. The lawyer asks to cancel the remand as the ED doesn’t have any valid proof for the same. There are no valid statements that can claim Arvind Kejriwa’s guilt. Thus, the remand is not valid. Apart from that, it is not legal to demand a remand without sufficient proof. There is also a PIL in the High Court for Kejriwal to resign from his designation. Will he resign from his post? It is a clear sign of an upcoming dictatorship. Many point out that such incidents before the election do not sound goods.
Anna Hazare And Other Leaders On Arvind Kejriwal’s Arrest
Arvind Kejriwal is getting support from other leaders and politicians as well. However, Anna Hazare, an activist, says that he is feeling bad for Arvind’s Arrest and his actions as well. Anna says that he should not be involved in making Liquor Policy. However, he still made the policy. He was the one who was against the liquor policy. Arvind used to fight against this matter. However, today he made the policy to reach an arrest. Anna Hazare is an activist who raised his voice for several social causes. He had a crucial role in the formation of AAP as well.
Will Arvind Kejriwal Continue to Work After Arrest?
Arvind Kejriwal will continue to work after his arrest as well. He will remain the CM of Delhi. However, it might give him difficulties in promoting the party for the elections. Arvind Kejriwal is among the most liked CMs in Delhi. However, his sudden arrest is making everyone shocked. He is the one who raised his voice against the liquor policy a few years ago. The case is still ongoing. There are no updates about his bail yet. However, Arvind Kejriwal’s team is trying their best to find a way out.