China is currently at the top level in smartphone market sales. India and the United States followed it in second and third numbers. 5G smartphones are among the new trends in India. The recent reports at Counterpoint Research show that India has reached the second position in the 5G smartphone market. Prachir Singh states that international brands contribute to growth. Companies like Samsung, Vivo, and Xiaomi targeted budget smartphones, which helped boost the country’s smartphone sales.

India Comes Second In 5G Smartphone Market

India Becomes Second Top Country In 5G Smartphone Selling Market

India beats the US in the 5G smartphone market. The country has a great role in brands like Samsung, Vivo, and Xiaomi, taking their positions higher. According to the reports, China contributes 32% of the 5G smartphone market. While India holds 13% of the smartphone market with the United States holding 10% market. If we talk about the top companies, Apple is at the top in selling 5G handset shipments. It holds 25% of the market. While iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 contribute the most to 5G users.

After Apple, Samsung follows with a 21% market share. Samsung’s prominent smartphones are Galaxy A and S24 ranking among the top 5G series. Apple and Samsung are among the top companies in the smartphone. Thus, the top models from these companies acquired the top 5 positions. In the first half of the quarter itself, more than 54% of the sales took place through the 5G smartphones. On the other hand, Tarun Pathak states that it is for the first time that the market reached beyond its expected numbers.

PM Modi also took the initiative to start domestic smartphone manufacturing in the country. As we are majorly dependent on the imports of smartphones to the country, it is necessary to move towards manufacturing. The expectations are that the market will grow further in the coming years. India has the highest number of smartphone users because of its increasing population. Thus, it may beat China in the segment after a few years. The schemes promoting domestic manufacturing will play a big role.

In conclusion, Apple is the top company followed by Samsung. China is the top performer in the 5G smartphone market with India in second number. Over the past few years, India has gotten a lot of international smartphone brands that helped in increasing its performance. In particular middle and low-budget smartphones become the demand. Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi are the top ones in the sector. Stay tuned for more information.

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