Medi Assist IPO opened on 15 January 2024 and closed on 17 Jan 2024. The IPO has been subscribed over 16.25 times in which retail investors have invested 3.19. Now all the investors waiting for the Medi Assist IPO allotment. Medi Assist going to be listed on the exchange on 22 January 2024. Here are the details about how you can check the Medi Assist IPO status Online and know when the shares will be credited to your demat account.
Medi Assist IPO Allotment Status Online
if you have subscribed to the Medi Assist IPO then the available allotment status check process will help you to see your IPO allotment status. There are numerous people have subscribed to this, so if you do not get the allotment then your locking period on your funds will be removed by your bank. Let’s see the step-by-step guide to check the Medi Assist IPi allotment online on the official website with your PAN number.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services IPO Allotment Status Check Procedure:
- The first step will be to visit the LINK INTIME India PVT LTD’s official website.
- Select the company name, i.e., Medi Assist Healthcare Services.
- Enter any of these ID numbers, PAN Card Number, Application Number, or DP Client ID.
- Click on search.
- The allotment status will be visible to you.
How to Check IPO Allotment on BSE?
There is another way that you can use to check your allotment status for this IPO. BSE also offers a portal where IPO subscribers can check the status with some easy steps.
- Visit
- and search for the Status of Issue Application option.
- Select the issue type from Equity or Debt.
- Type your application number and PAN Number.
- Select I’m not a robot.
- Click on Search.
As per the details, there is possibility that the IPO can list a good price. However, the price band of the Medi Assist IPO was ₹418. The listing gain can be expected because the company is doing well in its industry. What is your opinion related to this IPO, do let us know in the comment section below.
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