PM Modi gave a speech on the 78th Independence Day highlighting the possible foreign investment opportunities for India. The PM mentioned that the central government can not do all the work alone. As the execution takes place on the state level, the state government’s efforts can positively change the country’s circumstances. He urges the state governments to take responsibility by presenting more attractive offers to the investors. According to PM Modi, investors from different countries want to invest in India.

PM Modi Addresses The Importance Of State Government's Efforts In Attracting Big Foreign Investments

How Do Efforts From State Government Impact The International Market?

The efforts from the state government can attract big companies to invest in India. There is a need to show the competitive environment to attract investors. It is possible with the help of the state government. As any big company invests in setting up its plant in a specific state. Thus, the states offering and pitching the investors better can attract them easily. The state that will match the investor’s requirements can get a good offer. It will benefit the state in different ways.

First, it will increase the resources and development of the state. Secondly, it will employ the people attracting handsome income. It will also increase the consumer’s spending capabilities improving the lifestyle. India is a developing country. It is at its full capacity. Thus, the growth potential is at its peak. All major companies are creating their presence in the market.

Apart from that, PM Modi is also focusing on enhancing the youth power of India. The country has a maximum youth population. Thus, the more skilled youth will be an asset to the country. The current Union Budget also has a good proportion of the amount for the youth’s skilling and training. PM Modi also has a goal to promote Made In India products.

Domestic manufacturing can have a lot of benefits. It will majorly help promote exports and growth of the country. Apart from that, focusing on quality will help the country make its product competitive in the international markets. PM Modi is working on new initiatives that are helping the country achieve its goal of becoming a developed country by 2047.

He is also encouraging gamers and the gaming industry’s growth. It is good news for gamers as it will bring more investors and development in the gaming segment as well. Apart from gaming, technology is an all-time favourite segment that often brings huge growth potential with it.

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