Asian Paints, India’s leading paint and coatings company, has once again captured the attention of audiences with its latest advertising campaign featuring Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor and versatile actor Manoj Pahwa. The campaign takes a musical turn as the duo brings the timeless charm of qawwali to life. With their vibrant performances and infectious energy, Kapoor and Pahwa add a touch of joy and elegance to the world of home decor.

Asian Paints Ad Ranbeer Kapoor

Amit Syngle, the Managing Director and CEO of Asian Paints Ltd, expressed his thoughts on the company’s national launch campaign for their new product, ‘Asian Paints SmartCare Damp Proof.’ He highlighted Asian Paints’ longstanding dedication to providing homeowners with innovative solutions that enhance the comfort and tranquility of their homes. The introduction of ‘Asian Paints SmartCare Damp Proof’ aims to offer a lasting remedy for leakage and dampness issues on terraces, addressing the specific needs of customers.

The campaign features a captivating Qawwali face-off between popular entertainers Ranbir Kapoor and Manoj Pahwa, emphasizing the significance of timely repairs for leakages. Asian Paints strives to provide customers with solutions they can consider before the arrival of the monsoon season.

Asian Paints has consistently showcased its prowess in creating engaging and memorable advertisements. Through its campaigns, the brand has successfully established an emotional connect with consumers, making home decor an experience worth cherishing. By incorporating elements of traditional music, Asian Paints takes a bold step towards showcasing the beauty and versatility of its products.

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