From Rs. 50,000 Crores worth of SRI (Self Reliant India) funds for equity infusion in MSME, Rs. 8,353 crores are already invested. According to the sources, the scheme has a provision of Rs. 10,000 Crores from the central government. While it has a provision of Rs. 40,000 crores through private equity and venture capital funds. Around Rs. 8,353 Crores are already invested in 450 MSMEs. The funds will be SRI funds which stands for Self Reliant India funds. It will boost the in-dependability of the country.

Rs 50,000 Crore SRI Fund Invested In 450 MSMEs

Rs. 8,353 Crores Of SRI Funds Invested In 450 MSMEs

From around Rs. 50,000 Crores worth of equity infusion, Rs. 8,353 crores already take place in 450 MSMEs. According to the sources, the funds are divided into two categories. The first one is the provision of Rs. 10,000 Crores. However, another one is from the central government for Rs. 40,000 Crores through private equity and venture capital funds.

Some funds are divided into two categories, Mother funds and daughter funds. The mother funds are category II Alternative Investment Funds. Apart from that, daughter funds are smaller. Thus, it requires a minimum of 5x the amount. The companies rolled in the daughter funds are TATA Capital Healthcare, Aavishkaar India Fund, SVL-SME Fund, Gaja Capital Funds, Avaana Sustainability Funds, ICICI Ventures, India Advantage Fund S5 I, and more.

They invest the funds only in valuable business plans and not in any common idea. Thus, only a valuable and defined business plan becomes its part leading to a positive funds flow. There are a lot of factors to consider before the investment. The fund is running successfully as it is clear from the numbers. The fund had Rs. 4,885 crores in MSMEs in July 2023. While it has Rs. 3,000 Crores invested in more than 140 MSMEs in January 2023. Everyone is looking forward to knowing more about this upcoming funds investment.

MSME has a lot of benefits from different sources. However, these funds can also add up to help them grow in the competitive market. MSMEs are moving towards the rapid growth over the years. The growing investment is helping the MSMEs expand their services throughout the country and beyond. The government is also taking initiatives for its growth by promoting domestic manufacturing.

Thus, Rs. 50,000 crores of SRI Funds will help enable the MSMEs to grow further. The 450 MSMEs from different fields will play a special role in the country’s development. Till now, there is an investment of Rs. 8,353 Crores in 450 MSMEs. The investments will keep going to promote the country’s growth. However, one must have a clear vision for further investment. Stay tuned for more information.

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