Tata Group is likely to complete its takeover of Wistron’s iPhone plant by April end, which makes India set to get its first homegrown production line for Apple products reports the business line. When the plant in Bengaluru is taken over, it will become the first domestic Apple product production line in the nation. The Tata Group has already begun making organizational changes at the plant, according to the report. Almost 2,000 specialists at the production line are probably going to get laid off as a piece of the takeover cycle. Read More Business News on our website.

Tata and Apple Deal News

Tata Group and Apple India All You Need To Know

Additionally, the plant is likely to lose around 400 mid-level employees. Additionally, four to five senior executives have been asked to leave or are in the process of leaving.

The Indian conglomerate is rumored to begin producing iPhone 15 soon after the takeover. In its eight production lines, the Indian plant of Wistron is currently producing the iPhone 12 and iPhone 14.

Since this was Wistron’s only plant that produced Apple products in India, it will be completely out of the Indian market when Tata takes over the Bengaluru plant.

Apple products are estimated to have a market value of approximately $600 million in India. This acquisition is being viewed as a significant development, particularly at a time when Apple is considering manufacturing in India as part of its plan to move away from China.

Due to the conflicts between China and the United States, Cupertino, a California-based company, announced last year that it would shift approximately 25% of its global production to India.

Wistron, one of three Taiwanese companies that assemble Apple products in India, is leaving the country, while Foxconn and Pegatron have expanded their production lines in India. In addition, Tata has increased hiring at its Tamil Nadu plant, where iPhone components are made, in order to expand its partnership with Apple. Additionally, there are rumors that Tata will most likely acquire the iPhone manufacturing units of Pegatron.

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