Star Health is an insurance company that covers different varieties of health insurance. Everyone knows the company for its special health insurance packs around women’s maternity and overall family packs. A recent scam shows leaked data of Star Health customers’ health reports being available freely through Telegram chatbots. Many hackers have access to Star Health consumers’ data concerning its misuse. World War 3 will not be fought with weapons but through cyber crimes. The data shows an increased number of cybersecurity issues in India. How can these effect the people’s security? Let us find out more below.

Telegram Chatbots Becomes A Big Security Concern For Star Health Users

How Hackers Use Telegram To Access The Stolen Data?

Telegram is among the top chatting apps in the world. It has a lot of features including chatbots. France’s police arrested its founder Pavel Durov last month. The police caught him at the airport. A girl traveling with him also created a mystery behind her purpose of posting stories. Many also believed that she gave the location updates through the stories. Telegram founder Pavel speaks up about the ongoing security concerns. A month ago, he said that he made the app, but how it is used depends upon the users. He is not liable for what the users do on the app.

However, the lack of serious regulations on the app is leading to a lot of crime in the countries. Star Health Insurance company’s customer data was available freely on Telegram. Reuters and everyone are curious to know about the steps the company took upon the incident. Star Health mentions that they have already assessed the situation. However, there is no widespread compromise according to them. Along with that, they also mention that sensitive customer data remains secure. However, the claims from Reuters showed that the leaked data was freely accessible and had the name, phone number, address, tax details, ID proof, and test results of the policyholders.

The documents are reports contain many recent reports from July 2024. Reuters shares that they have downloaded more than 1500 files themselves. The welcome message of the chatbot shows that it’s intentional from someone. It reads ” If this bot gets down watch out and another one will be made available in a few hours “. The authorities took down the chatbots successfully after the complaint. Some people also confirm the reports to be authentic pointing out the severity of the incident. They also mention that the company did not inform them about the leak.

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