On February 19, Prime Minister Modi attended the Uttar Pradesh Global Investor Summit 2023. During his speech at the UPGIS, the Prime Minister launched around 14,000 projects for Uttar Pradesh that were worth more than ₹10 lakh crore.

UP's transformation gets a push: PM Modi launches 14,000 projects worth over ₹10 lakh crore

The projects the prime minister announced are related to different sectors such as manufacturing, green energy, information technology, housing, real estate, and many more. The government of India and the government of Uttar Pradesh will focus on projects to make them successful.

Other than Prime Minister Modi, the difference minister Rajnath Singh, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, and the governor of Uttar Pradesh, Anandiben Patel, also attended the event.

Several well-known industrialists were also present at the event; not only Indians, but many global industrialists also attended the event to invest in Uttar Pradesh. As per reports, more than 5000 people attended the event.

Also, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Yogi Adityanath for leading Uttar Pradesh to become a USD 1 trillion economy. Further,  PM Modi added that seven years ago, no one could have imagined that Uttar Pradesh could be a hub for employment and development. Riots and crime were common in Uttar Pradesh.

Earlier, Prime Minister Modi also laid the foundation stone for the Kalki Dham temple in UP’s Sambhal. Uttar Pradesh is quite important for any candidate who’s in the race to become prime minister. Uttar Pradesh contributes 80 seats in the Lok Sabha election, the highest for any state in India. That is another reason why Prime Minister Modi is quite concerned and is attending as many events as possible in Uttar Pradesh.

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