Juli Vavilova was accompanying Telegram CEO Durov during his travels. Telegram CEO Durov was arrested in France at Le Bourget Airport the previous week. The concerning thing was Juli’s suspicious activities. She was regularly updated about her travels with Durov on social media. It points out a possibility of their involvement in his arrest. However, nothing is sure yet. Moreover, she is missing after his arrest which concerns her family a lot.

Who Is Juli Vavilova? Does She Have Any Involvement In Telegram's CEO Arrest?

Juli Vavilova is a 24-year-old woman who works as a crypto coach. She is also a gamer who streams her gaming videos regularly. She was travelling with him and covered videos from Azerbaijan. They were further together in Uzbekistan also. Not only the travel destinations, both had the same hotel in Azarbaijan’s capital city. They also went to the same shooting range. It can indicate a possibility that her social media stories helped in tracking Durov’s locations on a timely basis.

It may led to his arrest. However, she is herself missing after his arrest. This also points out a potential danger to her life as well. The possibility can be that someone used Juli to get Durov arrested. If we talk about Pavel Durov, he was not hiding himself from anyone. He was also not running away. He mentions himself to be completely transparent in every aspect. According to the sources, both lived in Dubai.

Durov has been living in Dubai from the time when the Kremlin asked for the data of the users from one of the platforms. However, he refused to do so and fled Russia in 2014. He now has dual citizenship. Thus, he is a citizen of both France and Dubai. The arrest of Durov follows some allegations also. The main reason behind his arrest is the lack of regulations on Telegram. According to sources, the platform does not have proper regulations. Thus, it leads to a lot of criminal activities around different places.

The criminals use the app for activities such as drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and promoting s@xual content. However, Durov believes in complete freedom of speech. He does not want to take responsibility of his user’s activities on the platform. According to Durov, the users are free to use the platform in any way they want. He created the app for the public as it is up to them how they use it. We will provide further updates shortly. However, Juli’s family is also not able to contact her after the incident.

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