In a Tragic incident, Suchana Seth, the CEO of Bengaluru-based AI Startup name, The Mindful AI Lab, got arrested in Goa for the murder of her four-year-old son. The motive of such a heartless crime points towards her estranged relationship with her husband. The horrific episode unfolded as she was caught fleeing in a cab with the lifeless body of her son concealed in a bag.

Suchana Seth

Suchana Seth is the founder & CEO of an AI-based firm ‘The Mindful AI Lab’, and is a known figure in the Tech industry. Where her company is known for its advancements in AI. She has been a senior data scientist at Boomerang Commerce in Bangalore. Her qualification is a master’s in physics, specializing in plasma physics with astrophysics from the University of Calcutta.

The business tech community reacted shockingly to this unfortunate news and in disbelief at this very thick-skinned event. This event left her colleagues and broader business associates stunned.

It appears to be very evident after this shockwave that mental stress can lead to a disgraceful mind and professionals need to keep check on their mental well-being.

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