Artificial Intelligence is in progress every day. Different companies are working on different projects that are taking AI to an advanced level. However, the California’s SB 1047 is working on regulating the AI. Thus, it will lead to the tech companies and developers having restrictions and limitations under which they can act. Also, it requires advanced AI models costing more than $100 million to activate the safety testing. It will include the kill switches for the AI models if they go against the instructions.

Will Artificial Intelligence Be Regulated?

What Is The California AI Bill About?

California AI Bill SB 1047 is about regulating the AI. The bill raises concerns regarding the possible AI threats humanity can have from advanced and unregulated AI. It if becomes powerful can take over the power and authority. The threat is in overtaking the government systems as well. However, the lawmakers and the tech giants are not in favour of the regulations. What is the reason behind this?

California AI bill states that there will be a third-party auditor for checking the safety measures for AI development. Also, the hiring of a third-party auditor will be necessary. As there is a possible risk of AI overtaking the government systems, the attorney general will also have the right to sue any developer who seems to not follow the regulations. The law was already passed by a 32-1 vote. It will further pass to Governor Gavin Newsom on 30 September 2024.

The tech companies also show the possible threats of having AI working on the advanced levels. Still, they are opposing the bill. According to sources, Google and Meta state that the bill will create an unfavourable situation for AI’s development. This is because the bill will put several restrictions that will force many businesses to leave the country. Open AI also mentions the bill to create uncertainties.

The Open source AI models that are available today allow anyone to create any applications. However, it is not possible after the implementation of the bill. There will be several restrictions afterwards. On the other hand, there are several supporters of the bill. It includes former Open AI employee, Daniel Kokotajlo and godfather of AI, Geoffrey Hinton. The bill also had some amendments after the tech giants’ concerns. However, both sides have a fair amount of supporters. The AI’s development and growth is necessary but not on the stake of Human life. Thus, ensuring safety measures is also necessary.

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