On Saturday, the Election Commissioner of India, Arun Goel, resigned from his post just some weeks before the 2024 general elections, which left the election commission with no one but Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar in the poll panel and two vacant seats.

Election Commissioner Arun Goel's Resignation Shakes Up Preparations for the 2024 Elections

On Sunday, right after his resignation, the president of India, Draupadi Murmu, officially accepted the resignation of Arun Goel, which will be in effect immediately, as confirmed by the law ministry in a notification.

Arul Goel cited personal reasons for his resignation, even though, according to the Soruecs, government officials tried to change his mind and asked him not to resign from the post now, but he denied the offer and eventually ended up resigning.

According to the sources, the main reason for the resignation could be the differences between the Election Commissioner, Arun Goel, and the Chief Election Commissioner, Rajiv Kumar. As per the sources, the health of Arun Goel is perfectly fine.

1985-batch IAS officer of the Punjab cadre was a retired bureaucrat and joined the Election Commission in November 2022, which means he served the commission for only around one year.

Many people believe Arun Goel resigned from the post so that he could participate in the upcoming election on the BJP’s side, while others have cited that he resigned from the commission because of the unlawful actions the commission was taking and his biased stand for the ruling party.

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