Nepal will now introduce new Rs. 100 Currency notes featuring Indian Territories. We will share details about Nepal and India’s dispute reasons below. Apart from that, we will also share the details about the inclusion of Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura, and Kalapani in Nepal. Let us explore more about the new notes by Nepal Rastra Bank for Rs. 100. It all started with the discussion of making changes in the Rs. 100 notes featuring the map.

Nepal Will Introduce New ₹100 Note With The Indian Territories

Nepal To Launch New Note For ₹100 Featuring Indian Territories

Nepal is going to reprint its currency of Rs. 100. This note will feature a map of Nepal including some Indian territories like Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura, and Kalapani. Thus, the controversy started when the Nepal Rastra Bank decided to change the map on Rs. 100 notes. The reprinting will take some territories of India on its map. It is becoming a matter of discussion.

The meeting for the re-printing gets the approval on 25 April and 2 May. The notes will soon be printed and come into circulation. The matter started having heated discussion when Delhi and Kathmandu tensions increased. Nepal officially released its new political map with territories including Lipulek, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura in 2022.

Nepal believes that those territories come under their country because of the Saugali Treaty of 1816. Under this treaty, the area in the east of Kali River will fall into Nepal. However, the treaty was canceled after the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1950.

Nepal raised concerns and objections to an Indian road passing through their country. However, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs mentions that the road falls in Pithogarh, Uttarakhand, India, and is not under Nepal. The matter was still going on when Nepal introduced a new currency featuring the areas of disputes on the map as well. Thus, the new currency will now have Lipulekh, Kalapani, and Limpiyadhura on the note.

However, The Treaty of Peace and Friendship canceled the Sugauli Treaty. Thus, the claims by Nepal do not follow the legality as the Peace and Friendship treaty cancels all the related previous treaties for the area.

Nepal and India have been close to each other for a long time. The controversial territories will now be a part of Nepal’s official political map. Thus, areas like Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura, and Kalapani will be shown on their map. We hope you get enough details about Nepal’s new currency note and its featuring territories. Stay tuned for more information on our website.

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