SK Finance filed DRHP papers for an IPO of Rs. 2,200 Crore. The company provides financing services to vehicle companies. We will share details about its upcoming IPO and the DRHP papers below. People have been curious to know more about the IPO details, such as the price band, allotment, lot size, and more. Let us explore SK Finance’s upcoming IPO more below.

SK Finance IPO

SK Finance IPO Date, Price Band, Issue Size, and More

SK Finance is all ready for an IPO of Rs. 2,200 Crores. The company is focusing on further expansion. SK Finance is among the preferred companies in its field. The company has the best of all as its lead managers. These include Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors, Nomura Financial Advisory and Securities, and Kotak Mahindra Bank. SK Finance will provide both an offer for sale and a fresh issue of shares. 

SK Finance will issue shares for Rs. 500 crores and offer for sale Rs. 1,700 Crores. According to the details, the shares will be divided into different categories:

  • 50% for the Qualified Institutional Buyers
  • 35% for the net issue
  • 15% for the Non-Institutional Bidders (NII)

The company plans to release its IPO soon after the SEBI approval. As we know, the regular process takes up to 90 to 135 days to launch the IPO in the market. Thus, the company expects to have its IPO by the end of the next quarter (Q2). SK Finance will only release more details after the approval. The company has been doing well financially. Vehicle financing services play an important role in the automobile industry. The GMP price for its shares will be available a few days before the opening of the IPO and will continue till the closing of the IPO.

Those interested in the IPO must review the company’s financials and background details. SK Finance is currently looking for further expansion and wants to strengthen its roots. Already performing well in the market, the company tends to use its money wisely. Several investors and financial experts mention SK Finance as a good investment option.

The company expects an IPO close to September 2024. However, it has yet to give an official date. We hope you get enough details about the SK Finance IPO, DRHP papers filling, and more. The non-banking finance company will use its funds from the fresh issue to improve its capital and meet future business needs. Stay tuned for more information on our website.

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