Supreme Court will be listening to CM Arvind Kejriwal’s plea on 15 April 2024. We will share details about the Supreme Court’s latest hearing on Arvind Kejriwal’s matter below. As we all know Arvind Kejriwal was arrested on 21 March 2024. He was kept in custody on the ED’s demand for proper investigation for six days. However, it was extended later for four days. He is still in jail. The elections are almost there. Also, he is not getting any protection from the high court.
Supreme Court Will Be Listening To Arvind Kejriwal’s Plea Soon
Supreme Court will listen to Arvind Kejriwal’s plea Against the High Court’s Decision on 15 April 2024. Delhi’s CM has been struggling for a long time to clear his intentions and purpose. However, his supporters feel that he is not getting enough support in the High Court. Many people are standing in his support for his freedom. After his arrest, rumors related to the dictatorship in India were also increasing.
Many feel that the country is moving towards dictatorship. Thus, it is important to know whom to support in today’s world. Arvind Kerhriwal is under arrest for the money laundering case. However, the ED and other related parties are not getting enough evidence. However, there are some incidents and cases that state clearly about Kejriwal’s involvement in the money laundering liquor policy formation.
Kejriwal wants to move to the Supreme Court as he is not getting any response from the High Court. It rejects his plea already and extends his time in custody. Thus, Arvind Kejriwal is currently in Tihar Jail. It is among the most famous jails in India. A bench of Justice Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta will be listening to his petition. There is a hope that he will get a way out at the Supreme Court as it is independent of all the high powers.
Arvind Kejriwal wants the Supreme Court’s verdict upon the decision of the High Court. Justice Swarna Kanta Sharma and the Deli High Court decided to extend his custody period. He challenged the HC orders after listening to an individual from his party involved in clearing the whole situation and mentioning Kejriwal’s involvement.
To conclude, Supreme Court will listen to Arvind Kehriwal on 15 April with the bench of justice Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta. We will provide more updates shortly about Supreme Court’s further decision about the Kejriwal’s involvement in liquor policy and the Supreme Court’s final decision. Stay tuned for more information.
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